What information about you is collected from this website?
The personal information that we collect about you from our website contact form or during an initial phone call may contain:
Your name
Your email address and /or telephone number
The reason for your enquiry
If you decide to work with us, as part of our work with you we may also collect information about:
Your date of birth, GP contact details, ethnic origin, sexuality, your occupation, education, life experiences, family and relationships.
Information about previous mental health or medical history
How your information will be stored:
Paper - Any paper copies of your initial referral form, our working contract with you, any assessment forms / questionnaires and session summary notes will be kept in a locked filing cabinet.
Electronic data - Beyond the initial contact form completed on this website, no other information is collected electronically about you on this website. The initial contact form is not saved on the website and is used only to make direct contact with you to provide you further information or to arrange an initial meeting
Website: None of your personal information is stored on the helpyourhead.com website. A paper copy of your initial contact form will be stored in a locked filing cabinet and this will be shredded at the time stated below.
How your information may be processed:
Please be reassured that your personal information will never be shared with any third parties, unless you or someone else that you mention is at risk of serious harm, or if this there is a legal requirement for us to do so e.g. drug trafficking, acts of terrorism etc.
Supervision / Process notes - As part of professional practice, most therapists collect of make brief notes during or following sessions. These can be as an aide memoir, or for further reflection or anonymous case discussion during professional Supervision. These notes will not contain any identifying details about you.
How long will keep the information about you:
Any of the information that we hold about you described above, will be held for up to 6 years from the initial point of contact, whether you decide to work with us or not.
Your rights
You have a right to be informed about any information being collected about you and also to have access to this information, in order to amend any details or to withdraw consent. Please note that a fee may be charged for this and the process may take up to 4 weeks to provide, though every effort will be made to provide the information as soon as possible. Please note also that any request to access or alter this data may be declined, if it impedes us acting lawfully and competently (see British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy ethical framework for further information).